A Sneak Peek at 5 Engage London Sessions
On the 10th and 11th September, Bullhorn will harness the power of people at its annual global staffing and recruiting conference. Engage London is the perfect place to discover how to more effectively engage talent, leadership, and the future of staffing.
As the recruitment industry constantly evolves with advancements in technology, agencies must keep in mind that their most powerful assets are, and always will be humans. Here are the five sessions you can’t afford to miss this year!
Wednesday, 11 September, 11:45 – 12:30, King’s Suite
Dr. Marcia Goddard | &Ranj
Dr. Marcia Goddard, famed neuroscientist and recruitment expert, is back at Engage London by popular demand to speak about her newest area of cutting-edge academic research – the science of stress and its impact on recruiters. Recruiters and candidates alike are at full capacity in today’s economy, and it can be all too easy to get burned out in light of the demands on our time and attention, not to mention the ubiquitous fear of robots who may take our jobs. Dr. Goddard will share the facts behind stress, and discuss how you can leverage it to your advantage to be more effective as recruiters, generate better results and higher-quality work, and navigate the changing world of work.
Tuesday, 10 September, 11:30 – 12:15, Palace Suite
Julia Langkraehr | Bold Clarity
Effective coaching is something that virtually every leader must master in order to create high-performing teams that both culturally coalesce and generate sustainable returns. Unfortunately, in a climate where most of your brightest talent can easily find another job if the urge strikes them, the pressure on leaders to create strong internal cultures, invest in team development, and reduce attrition has never been higher. How will you coach your organisation to success and loyalty? And on what skills should you focus to ensure that the team you build is suitably prepared for the demands of the new world of work? In this session for leaders, we will share practical advice on effective coaching strategies.
Wednesday, 11 September, 14:45 – 15:30, Palace Suite
Julia Randell-Khan | Encore Global Program
Are you overlooking older workers as an incredible source of underutilised talent? It was never okay to be ageist in recruitment, but with the global shortage of talent, now is an especially foolish time to be breaking the law. A lawyer with more than 25 years of practise, Julia Randell-Khan is one of the world’s foremost experts in older workers, currently working at Stanford University’s Distinguished Careers Institute and serving as a Visiting Scholar at the Stanford Center for Longevity. Randell-Khan will break down the myths around older workers and provide advice on how you can leverage this tremendous fountain of talent.
Tuesday, 10 September, 13:15 – 14:00, Palace Suite
James Osborne | The Recruitment Network; Ann Swain | APSCo Global; Geraldine King | National Recruitment Federation; Leah McKelvey | Bullhorn
Dare we state the obvious, but recruitment has a pretty poor reputation with the observing public. One recent public opinion poll found that recruiters were deemed less trustworthy than politicians. Rather than have us all pack it in, how do we go about fixing the recruitment industry’s reputation? It turns out that change must start from within, and three of our industry’s most prolific (and gloriously opinionated) thought leaders will help us all see the light in this engaging, honest, and potentially humorous discussion.
Tuesday, 10 September, 13:15 – 14:00, Windsor Suite
Javid Muhammedali | Bullhorn; Lukáš Neumann | Bullhorn; Matt Doucette | Facebook
Automation is ubiquitous, and for the first time, we’re beginning to see it serve as the foundation for enterprise-level artificial intelligence use cases that could fundamentally change the recruitment industry as we know it. The more practical use cases that we might actually see come to the forefront in the next year? Everything from engaging with hard-to-find and hard-to-entice talent to improving invoice payment. How can recruitment firms leverage artificial intelligence to better connect with passive or underutilised talent, and what will the effects be on human recruiters? And in the quest to embrace the most futuristic possibilities, how do we as an industry retain our very human instincts and abilities and ensure that we put people’s feelings and best interests first?